During the coronavirus epidemic the Poundstock Packet is acting as a parish hub to link up people needing help and people offering it.
To offer help or ask for it, leave your details at:
079040 88779 (Liz Jones, Packet editor) or email the poundstockpacket@gmail.com
and we’ll get back to you.
To find out more, click here.
We’re sorry that current restrictions have made it impossible to produce and distribute the April/May Packet but we are very anxious to get news of the Poundstock Hub to as many people as we can. We are well aware that there are many who don’t have access to the internet and can’t look at our website. If you can safely do so, please publicise details of the Hub so no one in our parish feels alone or unsupported. If you can print and display this poster (download PDF), we’d be grateful.
Thank you.